Monday, January 24, 2011

Capes vs. Cloaks: A Case Study

For a while now, I've been in the market for a cape. You don't see them very often, but I really think it would amp up my fashion game. I can just picture how good I will look with my sassy cape blowing in the breeze.

But then last night I got to thinking: why a cape? Why not a cloak? A cloak is basically the same as a cape only with more fabric, plus a hood. You can't go wrong with hoods. Cloaks also conceal weapons and keep you warm. Therefore, a cloak is both stylish AND utilitarian. Not to mention, cloaks are more magical, whereas capes are mostly just for superheroes. Superheroes only get to pick one or two super powers, but if you are magical, then you basically have the entire world of super powers at your disposal.

Yes, cloaks were definitely sounding pretty good. But then, I made a handy chart detailing who wears capes versus who wears cloaks. Take a gander.

Fig. 1: Capes vs. Cloaks

Everything was pushing me towards Team Cloak, until I got to Liberace.


I totally forgot about bedazzled capes. And you know what? I've never seen a sparkly cloak. So I'm really on the fence here. I think the only solution to this conundrum is to get a cloak and bedazzle the hell out of it. Seriously. Best of both worlds.
You know what my cloak is going to have? Tons of f*cking sequins. True story.

So as soon as I learn how to sew, I will post an update on my bedazzled cloak progress. It's going to be pretty epic, if I do say so myself. I wonder if I can just use a glue gun?

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