Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bacon, your goose is cooked

According to my calculations (see chart below), America is long overdue for a bacon backlash. The trend of putting bacon in and on everything has reached critical mass, and we are about to enter a period of strong anti-bacon sentiment.

Like the rapid rise and inevitable fall of other American favorites such as Uggs, ironic mustaches, and zombies, all fads must eventually come to an end. Bacon's time is up, and the only question now is: what's next?

Here are some possible future food trends:
-Buttermilk. Just as fattening as bacon. Why not? Try our new buttermilk martini.
-Gorgonzola cheese. It's delicious AND fun to say. How about a freshly scooped Gorgonzola cone?
-Caramel-coated vegetables. If you thought caramel apples were good, wait until you try caramel broccoli.

The only flaw I see in my theory is that bacon is, in fact, delicious. But I'm going to be the first to pretend that bacon sucks for the sake of looking cool. Is it working?


  1. Ooh, ooh! I want to play.

    pomegranite --> blood oranges --> DRAGONFRUIT!

    Have you seen these things? They look totally cool but taste disgusting (much like actual dragons, I imagine.) But I bet the flavor would be improved with a little vodka.

  2. I don't get the gourmet chocolate w/bacon thing - it's gross.

    I luurve me some bleu cheese though. ;)

  3. HAHAHA chocolate with bacon...OH man I thought I was losing my mind the first time I heard that! Then I KEPT hearing it and thinking "WTF is wrong with people?! chocolate and bacon do NOT mix"
